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What are Exceptional Outcomes?

For Home Strategies, Exceptional Outcomes are defined as nothing less than a record-breaking sale price for your home.


And I am serious about it. So serious in fact, that I have established clear, objective and completely transparent benchmarking methods to measure my strategies' performance and set clear expectations for you, home sellers.


In 2020, 85.71% of all my listings broke records in their markets. This means they all sold for more than the maximum price paid for a comparable home sold following my benchmarking formula. In fact, on average, they sold for 11.10% more than their highest sold comparable. Exceptional or not? 

HomeStrategies - Exceptional Approach

Home Strategies' Exceptional Approach

Exceptional Basics


Strategies at 3 Levels

Home Strategies' Exceptional Basics

These are the Basics. These Basics, in my professional opinion, are the very minimum you should be receiving from a real estate agent offering a full service real estate solution at a typical full service real estate fee.


These Basics are, also, the minimum home sellers need for their home to aspire at getting anywhere near top dollars for when selling it and when comparing to other homes sold, or "comparables".


For Home Strategies, these Basics must be Exceptional, because they are the foundation of what our true and most valuable work will be based on, and will ultimately represent the "fail safe" of where we will fall back to by default.


In such, I do not compromise on quality. I only hire professionals, only the best, and do not look at the cost. These Basics are part of my service offering.


Exceptional, Meaningful and Professional Pictures are part of Home Strategies Exceptional Basics Inclusions.

Drone Shots

Professional Drone Shots are part of Home Strategies Exceptional Basics Inclusions.


Exceptional, Meaningful and Professional Video is part of Home Strategies Exceptional Basics Inclusions, but may not be beneficial.

Virtual Walk-Through

Virtual 3D Tour are part of Home Strategies Exceptional Basics Inclusions.

MLS® Posting With DDF Opt-In

MLS® posting with the crucial DDF opt-in are part of Home Strategies Exceptional Basics Inclusions.

Floor Plan

Professional Floor Plans is part of Home Strategies Exceptional Basics Inclusions.

Dedicated Website

Professionally designed, dedicated website is part of Home Strategies Exceptional Basics Inclusions.

Even Home Strategies' Exceptional Basics won't get you Exceptional Outcomes on their own. Basics are Basics, and everbody does them, your neighbour did them, just like those other 20 homes sold in the last 6 months and this is what buyers will use to make an offer on your home. And so, doing the Basics, just like anyone else, limits your outcome to "market price" or very close to it.


Lowest Price Paid for a comparable home sold within the group of comparables.


Average Price Paid for the group of comparable homes sold.


Highest Price Paid for a comparable home sold within the group of comparables.

If you only provide the Basics, how well you will perform in the "Market Price" box will depend on a few factors: The commission you are offering to the Buyer Agent is a HUGE factor, the quality of the Basics and the rationale behind the listing price. Your agent's granular knowledge about the micro-market is also crucial: many homes in March got listed using the very popular method of listing well below the market value of properties and holding back offers. In many instances, nobody showed up on offer day... A situation like this forces you, the home seller, to back-pedal and assume potential damage to your opportunistic value. 


A strategic Realtor® with in-depth and granular knowledge of your neighbourhood's current market conditions will be your most valuable asset in selling your home.

Home Strategies Exceptional Components

So you want more; you want exceptional. You have to get strategic. There are a few rules to enter this exceptional world, and the first two cardinal rules are you must first provide exceptional Basics, and then keep the work up, but at a different level, using different techniques that will allow your home to be taken out of that limiting box of "Market Price" and comparable homes sold. And this, is where I live, where I work, and where your home will realize its full opportunistic potential - Exceptional Sale Price.


From there, the language changes. Basic tools and items become strategies and working levels, and basic results previously calculated in terms of market price become maximum opportunistic value.


Different Levels: There are 3 highly defined, methodical and synergetic levels that must be worked at, and each of these levels are built on top of each other, like building blocks, or a pyramid if you prefer. All three must be addressed as a whole and all three must be intricately responsive and coherent between each other.


These strategies are extremely dynamic and complex, and are rarely found in the real estate industry. I learned mine through my Bachelor of Commerce and a 15 year career in global markets at the helm of worldwide leading companies in highly technical industries where I sold in excess of $1B in contracts, not at market price, because this is not how successful businesses sell their products and services, but using value concepts and positioning strategies.


So, what are exceptional outcomes? Short answer is up to 26.07% above the market price average of comparable homes sold in your area, or up to 18.51% above the maximum paid for a comparable home sold in your area. These are some of the most exceptional outcomes my strategies have produced for some lucky home sellers last year. The formula used to calculate this performance has nothing deceptive in it, and I will use the exact same objective approach to source comparable data so we can measure our performance for the sale of your home.


Finally, I have a strong plan, detailed approach, and will walk you through it all when we meet if you choose to entertain a strategic approach to home selling. Due to unique nature of what I do, I prefer to have the real talk and present you with details concerning the levels at which we will work together, as a team, when we meet.

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